इस लेख में आपलोग कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित फुल फॉर्म के बारें में जानेंगे कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित शब्दों को ज्यादातर संक्षिप्त रूप में बोला या लिखा जाता है | इस लेख के माध्यम से आपलोग कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित लगभग 500 से अधिक शब्दों के संक्षिप्त रूप तथा उनके पूर्ण रूप के बारें में जानेंगे जो आपके लिए उपयोगी साबित हो सकते है | तो आपलोग इसे अंत तक जरुर पढ़े |
Table Of Content(toc)
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित फुल फॉर्म-Computer se sambandhit full form in hindi
अभी के समय में कंप्यूटर को कौन नहीं देखा हो आप में से बहुत सारे लोग चलाये भी होंगे | कंप्यूटर क्या है ये बाते आप में लगभग सभी लोग जानते होंगे अगर आप कंप्यूटर में रूचि रखते है | तो आपको कंप्यूटर से जुडी बातों को जानने में भी रूचि जरुर होगी | आज के इस लेख में कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित फुल फॉर्म को जानेंगे जो Competitive Exams में कम्प्यूटर से रिलेटेड क्वेश्चन को हल करने में आपके लिए मददगार साबित हो सकते है | तो चलिए शरू करते है |
![]() |
computer se sambandhit full form |
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित A शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- AAC :- Advanced Audio Coding.
- ABC :- Atanasoff-Berry Computer.
- ABI :- Application Binary Interface.
- ABR :- Available Bit Rate.
- ACL :- Access Control List.
- ACPI :- Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
- AD :- Active Directory.
- ADC :- Analog to Digital Converter.
- AGA :- Advanced Graphics Architecture.
- AGP :- Accelerated Graphics Port.
- AHA :- Accelerated Hub Architecture.
- AIFF :- Audio Interchange File Format.
- ALU :- Arithmetic Logical Unit.
- AM/FM :- Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation.
- AMD :- Advanced Micro Devices.
- AMR :- Adaptive Multi-Rate.
- APIPA :- Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing.
- APM :- Advanced Power Management.
- ARPANET :- Advanced Research Project Agency Network.
- ASCII :- American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
- ASF :- Advanced Systems Format.
- ASL :- Age Sex Location.
- ASR :- Automated System Recovery.
- AST :- Abstract Syntax Tree.
- ATA :- Advanced Technology Attachment.
- AVC :- Advanced Video Coding.
- AVI :- Audio Video Interleave.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित B शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- BAL :- Basic Assembly Language.
- BAT :- Microsoft Batch Processing.
- BCC :- Blind Carbon Copy.
- BCD :- Binary Coded Decimal.
- BCR :- Bar Code Reader.
- BER :- Bit Error Rate.
- BFD :- Binary File Descriptor.
- BGA :- Ball Grid Array.
- BGP :- Border Gateway Protocol.
- BiDi :- Bi–Directional.
- BINAC :- Binary Automatic Computer.
- BIOS :- Basic Input Output System.
- BLOB :- Binary large Object.
- BMP :- Bitmap.
- BOSS :- Bharat Operating System Solutions.
- BPI :- Bytes Per Inch.
- BPS :- Bits Per Second.
- BSOD :- Blue Screen of Death.
- BTX :- Balanced Technology Extended.
- BWF :- Broadcast Wave Format.
- BY :- Bronto-bytes.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित C शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- CAD :- Computer Aided Design.
- CAE :- Computer–Aided Engineering.
- CAI :- Computer–Aided Instruction.
- CAL :- Computer Aided Leering.
- CAM :- Computer Aided Manufacturing.
- CAN :- Campus Area Network.
- CAN :- Controller Area Network.
- CAQA :- Computer–Aided Quality Assurance.
- CASE :- Computer-Aided Software Engineering.
- CBEMA :- Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association.
- CCD :- Charged Coupled Device.
- CCS :- Common Command Set.
- CD :- Compact Disk.
- CDMA :- Code Division Multiple Access.
- CDN :- Content Delivery Network.
- CD-R :- Compact Disk – Recordable.
- CD-ROM :- Compact Disk-Read Only Memory.
- CGA :- Color Graphics Array.
- CGI :- Common Gateway Interface.
- CIDR :- Classless Inter-Domain Routing.
- CIFS :- Common Internet File System.
- CISC :- Complex Instruction Set Computer.
- CMD :- Command.
- CMOS :- Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor.
- CNR :- Communication Network Riser.
- COMPUTER :- Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research.
- CPU :- Central Processing Unit.
- CRC :- Cyclic Redundancy Check.
- CRIMM :- Continuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module.
- CRS :- Computer Reservation System.
- CRT :- Cathode Ray Tube.
- CSI :- Common System Interface.
- CSMA :- Carrier Sense Multiple Access.
- CSV :- Comma Separated Values.
- CTCP :- Client–to–Client Protocol.
- CTL :- Computation Tree Logic.
- CTS :- Clear to Send.
- CUA :- Common User Access.
- CUPS :- Common Unix Printing System.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित D शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- D2D :- Device to Device.
- DAC :- Discretionary Access Control.
- DAP :- Direct Access Protocol.
- DAT :- Digital Audio Tape.
- DAT :- Digital Audio Tape.
- DBA :- DataBase Administrator.
- DBSN :- Database Source Name.
- DCE :- Distributed Computing Environment.
- DDR :- Double Data Rate.
- DDS :- Digital Data Storage.
- DEC :- Digital Equipment Corporation.
- DFD :- Data Flow Diagram.
- DFS :- Distributed File System.
- DHCP :- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
- DIMM :- Dual In-Line Memory Module.
- DIVX :- DIgital Video Express.
- DKIM :- Domain Keys Identified Mail.
- DLL :- Data Link Layer.
- DLL :- Dynamic Link Library.
- DLP :- Digital Light Processing.
- DLT :- Distributed Ledger Technology.
- DMA :- Direct Memory Access.
- DMI :- Desktop Management Interface.
- DOC :- Document (Microsoft Corporation).
- DOS :- Disk Operating System.
- DPI :- Dots Per Inch.
- DPMS :- Display Power Management Signaling.
- DRAM :- Dynamic Random-Access Memory.
- DSHD :- Double Sided High Density.
- DSL :- Domain–Specific Language.
- DTE :- Data Terminal Equipment.
- DTP :- Desktop Publishing.
- DTR :- Data Terminal Ready.
- DTS :- Digital Theater System.
- DVD :- Digital Versatile Disk.
- DVD :- Digital Video Disk.
- DVE :- Digital Video Effects.
- DVI :- Digital Visual Interface.
- DVR :- Digital Video Recorder.
- DVX :- DivX Video.
- DWM :- Desktop Window Manager.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित E शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- EB :- Exa-bytes.
- EBCDIC :- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.
- ECP :- Extended Capabilities Port.
- EDGE :- Enhanced Data Rate for.
- EDGE :- Enhanced Data Rate for GSM [Global System for Mobile Communication] Evolution.
- EDP :- Electronic Data Processing.
- EEPROM :- Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
- EFS :- Encrypting File System.
- EGP :- Exterior Gateway Protocol.
- EIDE :- Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics.
- EIGRP :- Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
- EISA :- Extended Industry Standard Architecture.
- ELF :- Executable and Linkable Format.
- EMP :- Electro-Magnetic Pulse.
- ENI :- Elastic Network Interface.
- ENIAC :- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Compute.
- EOF :- End of File.
- EPP :- Enhanced Parallel Port.
- ERD :- Emergency Repair Disk.
- ERP :- Enterprise Resource Planning.
- ESD :- Electro Static Discharge.
- EVC :- Ethernet Virtual Circuit.
- EVDO :- Evolution Data Optimized Or Evolution Data Only.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित F शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- FAT :- File Allocation Table.
- FCPGA :- Flip Chip Pin Grid Array.
- FCS :- Frame Check Sequence.
- FDC :- Floppy Disk Controller.
- FDD :- Floppy Disk Drive.
- FDDI :- Fiber Distributed Data Interface.
- FDMA :- Frequency-Division Multiple Access.
- FHS :- Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
- FPU :- Floating Point Unit.
- FTP :- File Transfer Protocol.
- FXP :- File Exchange Protocol.
- FYA :- For Your Action.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित G शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- GB :- Giga-bytes.
- GBPS :- Gigabits Per Second.
- GCR :- Group Code Recording.
- GDI :- Graphics Device Interface.
- GIF :- Graphic Interchangeable Format.
- GIGO :- Garbage In Garbage Out.
- GIS :- Geographical Information system.
- GMAIL :- Graphical Mail.
- GP :- Graphics port.
- GPL :- General Public License.
- GPRS :- General Packet Radio Service.
- GPU :- Graphics Processing Unit.
- GSM :- Global System for Mobile Communication.
- GUI :- Graphical User Interface.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित H शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- HAL :- Hardware Abstraction Layer.
- HAN :- Home Area Network.
- HCI :- Human Computer Interaction.
- HCL :- Hardware Compatibility List.
- HD :- High Definition.
- HDD :- Hard Disk Drive.
- HDMI :- High Definition Multimedia Interface.
- HHD :- Hybrid Hard Drive.
- HID :- Human Interface Device.
- HIG :- Human Interface Guidelines.
- HLL :- High Level Language.
- HP :- Hewlett Packard.
- HPC :- High-Performance Computing.
- HPFS :- High Performance File System.
- HSDPA :- High-Speed Downlink Packet Access.
- HSPA :- High Speed Packet Access.
- HSSI :- High-Speed Serial Interface.
- HSUPA :- High-Speed Uplink Packet Access.
- HTM :- Hierarchical Temporal Memory.
- HTML :- Hyper Text Markup Language.
- HTPC :- Home Theatre Personal Computer.
- HTTP :- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
- HTTPS :- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.
- HTX :- Hyper Transport Expansion.
- HVD :- Holographic Versatile Disk.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित I शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- I/O :- Input & Output.
- IBM :- International Business Machine Corporation.
- IBM :- International Business Machines.
- ICP :- Internet Cache Protocol.
- ICR :- Intelligent Character Recognition.
- ICS :- Internet Connection Sharing.
- IGRP :- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
- IHV :- Independent Hardware Vendor.
- IIOP :- Internet Inter-ORB Protocol.
- IIS :- Internet Information Services.
- IMAP :- Internet Message Access Protocol.
- IOS :- Internetwork Operating System.
- IOS :- iPhone Operating System.
- IP :- Internet Protocol.
- IPC :- Inter-Process Communication.
- IPP :- Internet Printing Protocol.
- IPV4 :- Internet Protocol Version 4.
- IPV6 :- Internet Protocol Version 6.
- IPX :- Internetwork Packet Exchange.
- IRC :- Internet Relay Chat.
- IRQ :- Interrupt Request.
- ISA :- Industry Standard Architecture.
- ISA :- Instruction Set Architecture.
- ISC :- Internet Storm Center.
- ISCSI :- Internet Small Computer Storage Interface.
- ISH :- Information Super Highway.
- ISP :- Internet Service Provider.
- ISR :- Interrupt Service Routine.
- ISV :- Independent Software Vendor.
- IVR :- Interactive Voice Response.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित J शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- JAD :- Java Application Descriptor.
- JAR :- Java Archive.
- JPEG :- Joint Photographic Expert Group.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित K शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- KB :- Kilo-bytes.
- KBD :- KeyBoard.
- KBPS :- Kilobits Per Second.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित L शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- LAN :- Local Area Network.
- LBA :- Logical Block Addressing.
- LCD :- Liquid Crystal Display.
- LDAP :- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
- LED :- Light-emitting diode.
- LLC :- Logical Link Control.
- LLL :- Low Level Language.
- LPX :- Low Profile Extension.
- LSB :- Least Significant Byte.
- LSI :- Large-Scale Integration.
- LSTM :- Long Short-Term Memory.
- LTE :- Long Term Evolution.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित M शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- M3G :- Mobile 3D Graphics.
- M4A :- MPEG-4 Audio File.
- Mac :- Macintosh.
- MAC :-Media Access Control.
- MAN :- Metropolitan Area Network.
- MAPI :- Messaging Application Program Interface.
- MB :- Mega-bytes.
- MBCS :- Multi Byte Character Set.
- Mbps :- Mega Bytes Per second.
- MBR :- Master Boot Record.
- MBSA :- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer.
- MCR :- Multivariant Curve Resolution.
- MDI :- Multiple Document Interface.
- MFA :- Multi-Factor Authentication.
- MFD :- Multi-Function Device.
- MFP :- Multi-Function Product.
- MHz :- Megahertz.
- MIDI :- Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
- MIME :- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
- MIMO :- Multiple-Input Multiple Output.
- MIPS :- Million of Instruction Per Second.
- MIS :- Management Information System.
- MLI :- Multiple Link Interface.
- MMC :- Microsoft Management Console.
- MMF :- Synthetic Music Mobile Application File.
- MMU :- Memory Management Unit.
- MMX :- Multi-Media Extensions.
- MNG :- Multiple-image Network Graphics.
- MOSFET :- Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor.
- MP3 :- MPEG player lll.
- MP4 :- MPEG-4 video file.
- MPEG :- Moving Picture Experts Group.
- MPL :- Mozilla Public License.
- MSB :- Most Significant Byte.
- MSD :- Most significant Digit.
- MSDN :-Microsoft Developer Network.
- MS-DOS :- Microsoft Disk Operating System.
- MSI :- Medium Scale Integration.
- MSI :-Microsoft Installer.
- MSN :- Microsoft Networks.
- MTA :- Mail Transfer Agent.
- MTBF :- Mean Time Between Failure.
- MTP :- Media Transfer Protocol.
- MUI :- Multilingual User Interface.
- MVS :- Multiple Vendor System.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित N शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- NAP :-Network Access Point.
- NAP :- Network Access Protection.
- NAS :- Network Attached Storage.
- NFS :- Network File System.
- NIC :- Network Interface Card.
- NID :- Network Interface Device.
- NIU :- Network Interface Unit.
- NMI :- Non-Maskable Interrupt.
- NMS :- Network Management System.
- NOS :- Network Operating System.
- NRT :- Nokia Ringtone.
- NTFS :- New Technology File System.
- NTH :- Nokia Theme (series 40).
- NTP :- Network Time Protocol.
- NVRAM :- Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित O शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- OCR :- Optical Character Reader.
- OMR :- Optical Mark Recognition.
- OOP :- Object Oriented programming.
- OOPS :- Object-Oriented Programming System.
- OS :- Operating System.
- OSI :- Open Systems Interconnection.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित P शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- P2P :- Peer-To-Peer.
- PAL :- Phase Alternation Line.
- PAN :- Personal Area Network.
- PAP :- Password Authentication Protocol.
- PATA :- Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment.
- PB :- Peta-bytes.
- PC :- Personal Computer.
- PCB :- Process Control Block.
- PCI :- Peripheral Component Interconnect.
- PCM :- Pulse-Code Modulation.
- PDF :- Portable Document Format.
- PDP :- Plasma Display Panel.
- PFA :- Please Find Attached.
- PIC :- Peripheral Interface Controller.
- PINE :- Program for Internet News and Email.
- PING :- Packet InterNet Groper.
- PIO :- Programmed Input/Output.
- PKI :- Public key Infrastructure.
- PLC :- Programmable Logic Controller.
- PNG :- Portable Network Graphics.
- POP :- Post Office Protocol.
- POST :- Power ON Self Test.
- PPI :- Pixels Per Inch.
- PPT :- Power Point Presentation.
- PROM :- Programmable Read Only Memory.
- PSD :- Photoshop Document.
- PSU :- Power Supply Unit.
- PTP :- Picture Transfer Protocol.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित R शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- RAID :- Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.
- RAIT :- Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes.
- RAM :- Random Access Memory.
- RAS :- Remote Access Service.
- RDBMS :- Relation Database Management System.
- RDF :- Resource Description Framework.
- RGB :- Red, Green, Blue.
- RIFF :- Resource Interchange File Format.
- RIP :- Routing Information Protocol.
- RIS :- Remote Installation Service.
- RISC :- Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
- RJ45 :- Registered Jack 45.
- RMA :- Returned Materials Authorization.
- ROM :- Read Only Memory.
- RPM :- Red-Hat Package Manager.
- RTOS :- Real Time Operating System.
- RTS :- Real-Time Streaming.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित S शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- SAN :- Storage Area Network.
- SAP :- System Application and Products.
- SATA :- Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.
- SBU :- Standard Build Unit.
- SCSI :- Small Computer System Interface.
- SDL :- Software and Documentation Localization.
- SDN :- Service Delivery Network.
- SDR :- Software-Defined Radio.
- SEC :- Single Edge Connector.
- SFC :- System File Checker.
- SFF :- Small Form Factor.
- SGRAM :- Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory.
- SHDSL :- Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line.
- SIM :- Subscriber Identity Module.
- SIMD :- Single Instruction Multiple Data.
- SIMM :- Single In-Line Memory Module.
- SIS :- Symbian OS Installer File.
- SIS :- Safety Instrumented System.
- SIS :- Security and Intelligence Services.
- SMBIOS :- System Management BIOS.
- SMPS :- Switch Mode Power Supply.
- SMTP :- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
- SNMP :- Simple Network Management Protocol.
- SOA :- Service Oriented Architecture.
- SOAP :- Simple Object Access Protocol.
- SONET :- Synchronous Optical Networking.
- SPARC :- Scalable Processor Architecture.
- SPI :- Serial Peripheral Interface.
- SPSS :- Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.
- SRAM :- Static Random-Access Memory.
- SSL :- Secure Sockets Layer.
- STP :- Shielded Twisted Pair.
- STP :- Spanning Tree Protocol.
- SVG :- Scalable Vector Graphics.
- SVGA :- Super Video Graphics Array.
- SWF :- Shock Wave Flash.
- SXGA :- Super Extended Graphics Array.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित T शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- TB :- Tera-bytes.
- TCP :- Transmission Control Protocol.
- IP :- Internet Protocol..
- TDR :- Time Domain Reflectometer.
- TFTP :- Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
- TGT :- Ticket Granting Ticket.
- THM :- Themes (Sony Ericsson).
- TPDU :- Transaction Protocol Data Unit.
- TPM :- Trusted Platform Module.
- TPS :- Transaction Per Second.
- TPS :- Transaction Processing System.
- TPU :- Tensor Processing Unit.
- TSI :- Time Slot Interchange.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित U शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- UAC :- User Account Control.
- UART :- Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter.
- UDP :- User Datagram Protocol.
- UEFI :- Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.
- UHF :- Ultra High Frequency.
- ULSI :- Ultra Large-Scale Integration.
- UMTS :- Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.
- UNICS :- UNiplexed Information Computing System.
- UNIVAC :- Universal Automatic Computer.
- UPS :- Uninterruptible Power Supply.
- URI :_ Uniform Resource Identifier.
- URL :- Uniform Resource Locator.
- URL :- Uniform Resource Locator.
- URN :- Uniform Resource Name.
- USB :- Universal Serial Bus.
- UTF :- Unicode Transformation Format.
- UTP :- Unshielded Twisted Pair-Cable.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित V शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- VAN :- Value-Added Network.
- VCR :- Video Cassette Recorder.
- VDC :- Video Display Controller.
- VDI :- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.
- VDU :- Visual Display Unit.
- VFS :- Virtual File System.
- VGA :- Video/Visual Graphic Adapter.
- VGA :- Video Graphics Array.
- VGCT :- Video Graphics Character Table.
- VHF :- Very High Frequency.
- VIRUS :- Vital Information Resource Under Seized.
- VIRUS :- Vital Information Resource Under Siege.
- VLAN :- Virtual Local Area Network.
- VLC :- Video LAN Client.
- VLSI :- Very Large-Scale Integration.
- VM :- Virtual Machine.
- VM :- Virtual Memory.
- VOIP :- Voice Over Internet Protocol.
- VPG :- Virtual Private Gateway.
- VPN :- Virtual Private Network.
- VPU :- Visual Processing Unit.
- VRAM :- Video Random Access Memory.
- VT :- Video Terminal.
- VXLAN :- Virtual Extensible Local Area Network.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित W शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- WAN :- Wide Area Network.
- WAP :- Wireless Application Protocol.
- WAV :- Waveform Audio.
- WAV :- Waveform Audio File Format.
- WBMP :- Wireless Bitmap Image.
- WDDM :- Windows Display Driver Model.
- WEP :- Wired Equivalent Privacy.
- WIFI :- Wireless Fidelity.
- WINS :- Windows Internet Name Service.
- WLAN :- Wireless Local Area Network.
- WMA :- Windows Media Audio.
- WMF :- Windows Metafile.
- WML :- Wireless Markup Language.
- WMV :- Windows Media Video.
- WPA :- Wireless Protected Access.
- WPAN :- Wireless Personal Area Network.
- WUSB :- Wireless Universal Serial Bus.
- WUXGA :- Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array.
- WWAN :- Wireless Wide Area Network.
- WWW :- World Wide Web.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित X शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- XGA :- Extended Graphics Array.
- XMF :- Extensible Music File.
- XMPP :- Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.
- XMS :- Extended Memory Specification.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित Y शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- YB :- Yotta Byte.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित Z शब्द वाले महत्वपूर्ण फुल फॉर्म
- ZB :- Zetta-bytes.
- ZIF :- Zero-Insertion-Force.
- ZIP :- Zig-zag In-line Package.
- ZISC :- Zero Instruction Set Computer.
कंप्यूटर से सम्बंधित अन्य महत्वपूर्ण शब्दों के फुल फॉर्म
- 1024 Bytes :- 1 Kilo Byte ( KB ).
- 1024 EB :- 1 Zetta Byte ( ZB ).
- 1024 GB :- 1 Tera Byte ( TB ).
- 1024 KB :- 1 Mega Byte ( MB ).
- 1024 MB :- 1 Gyga Byte ( GB ).
- 1024 PB :- 1 Exa Byte ( EB ).
- 1024 TB :- 1 Peta Byte ( PB ).
- 1024 ZB :- 1 Yotta Byte ( YB ).
- 3G :- 3rd Generation.
- 3GP :- 3rd Generation Project.
- 3GPP :- 3rd Generation Partnership Project.
- 4 Bits :- 1 Nibble.
- 8 Bits :- 1 Byte.